the civil engineering

Earth Moving Equipment With Images


In this article, we will discuss Earth moving equipment.

These equipment are used for excavation, moving the soil mass, lifting soil mass, etc.


1. Earth Moving Equipment  

Here is the list of earth-moving equipment with images noted below:


Equipment ImageUses
1. ExcavatorsEarth Moving EquipmentUsed for digging trenches, holes, and foundations
2. BackhoeBackhoe ExcavatorUsed for digging, small demolitions, moving materials, landscaping, breaking asphalt, and paving roads.
3. LoadersUsed for moving or loading materials like rock, soil, sand, and construction debris on the job site.
4. BulldozersUsed for pushing, digging, excavating, and leveling materials like soil and debris at a site.
5. TrenchersUsed for Cutting Pavement, Creating Drainage, Digging for Electrical Wires, Piping work, etc.
6. Motor ScrapersMotor Scrapers Used for scraping wet soil.
7. Crawler LoadersUsed in construction and mining applications for digging and excavation.


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