the civil engineering

White Cement | Manufacture, Properties, Uses, Advantages & Disadvantages of White cement


White cement is similar to portland cement but the only difference is in the color and fineness.

The color of white cement is known for its raw materials and the mechanism of manufacture.



  1. Manufacture of White Cement  

The preparation process of white cement is similar to that of grey cement, but the addition of raw material is a vital part of the preparation process.

The oxides of chromium, manganese, iron, copper, vanadium, nickel, and titanium provide a grey color to the grey cement. In white cement preparation, these raw materials are added to less percentage.

Limestone and clay are utilized as prominent raw materials for the manufacture of white cement. The manufacturing process is the same as that of OPC cement, the only differences are the heat needed for the burning of raw material is high and fineness is also high. After putting pigments, white cement gives clean, bright colors, for light pastels.

Mix designs for white or colored concrete are calculated depending on each ingredient’s effect on concrete color:

a. Type and color of cement

b. Type and addition of pigment

c. Type and addition of admixtures

d. Type, gradation, color, and cleanliness of fine and coarse aggregates.

e. Consistent proportions, maintaining a regular water-cement ratio.


White Cement



  2. Properties of White Portland Cement  

The properties of white Portland cement are listed below:

Properties Value
Fineness 395 m2/kg
Setting Time 100 min
Compressive Strength
1 day 21 MPa
2 day 38 MPa
7 day 61 MPa
28 day 74 MPa
Compact Density 3150 kg/m3
Bulk Density 1100 kg/m3
Brightness 87%

Table 1: Properties of white Portland cement and their values.



  3. Uses of White Portland Cement  

The uses of white Portland cement are as follows:

✔ It is generally used for important construction projects and decorative works.

✔ It is used for colored concrete with the utilization of inorganic pigments to provide brightly colored concretes and mortars.

✔ Due to its whiteness, it is used in architectural beauty, interior and exterior decorations, floorings, and ornamental concrete products such as idols while grey cement is highly utilized for construction applications.

✔ It is also utilized on roads due to the property of high reflectiveness to give the best visibility to highway medians.

✔ It is also utilized in a more amount for preparing precast members. Beautiful precast members are prepared to utilize the white Portland cement.

✔ It is also utilized mostly for preparing cast stones of attractive appearance.

✔ It is relatively a costly cement type and is, therefore, utilized only choose.



  4. Advantages of White Portland Cement  

The advantages of white Portland cement are as follows:

1. This cement provides architectural decorative and design purposes.

2. It gives a better and smooth surface finish.

3. It can be best for tile grouting and crack-filling purposes.

4. These types of cement are generally waterproofed.

5. It is a good reflector of the light.

6. The structures prepared with White cement are good to resist the highest temperature.



  5. Disadvantage of White Portland Cement  

The disadvantages  of white Portland cement are as follows:

1. It is costlier than other regular types of cement.

2. The strength of white cement is less than that of ordinary Portland cement.

3. The setting time of white Portland cement is very quick, masons should be active while setting it.



  6. FAQ  

1. Can we use white Portland cement for plastering?

⇒ Yes, we can use white cement for plastering. It works well. Dry mix the cement and plaster first – before adding water. It also really depends on what you’re doing with the mix. It is best for a freshly plastered wall.


2. How to apply white Portland cement?

⇒ White cement requires water, unlike grey cement. The standard mix of the white cement needs mixing the white cement with water in the ratio of 2:1 proportions of water and white cement. Generally, two coats of this mixture are required to cover the walls fully.


3. How to apply white Portland cement between tiles?

⇒ It is great for filling cracks and gaps if utilized nicely. You can utilize it to fill the gaps in marble flooring, vitrified tiles, and ceramic tiles.

To apply white cement between tiles, you need to mix the white Portland cement with color pigments if you need to match the tile color by making a single floor piece slab illusion.


4. How to remove white Portland cement stains?

⇒ To remove white cement stains you can use white vinegar gives sufficient acidic power that can remove the white cement stains from the tiles.


5. Is white Portland cement the same as the plaster of Paris?

⇒ No, the plaster of Paris is not similar to white cement. The former is made from gypsum and is utilized in medical casts (such as the ones utilized to heal fractures) whereas the latter is utilized to provide lustrous finishes to walls.



  7. References  

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